"One of the most frightening things about your true nerd, for many people, is not that he's socially inept- because everybody's been there- but rather his complete lack of embarassment about it."
~Neal Stephenson
~Neal Stephenson
Labels are a sign of a mentally weak mind, but as a society, we're simply brainwashed into thinking it's an acceptable process. While I'd like to present something here that would help to make people think twice about the usage of labels upon others, I realize the futility of such an act. Instead, I'm going to address a pet peeve of mine- the constant incorrect use of these terms, often interchangeably- and that is a crime of the language!
What we're going to tackle are the three labels known as:
- Nerd
- Geek
- Dork
The nerd is a book-smart, socially inept type of person. Nerds are never capable of understanding or caring about how to properly fit into society in a "normal" manner, and this is most apparent in their inability to dress themselves in a societally proper way. You've certainly seen the stereotype picture of the nerd- dark, broken glass held together by tape, pocket protector in shirt and so-on, so forth. As with all stereotypes, many nerds buck some of these trends, but ultimately to be a nerd there must be some level of social ineptitude- a disconnect with how the rest of us act within society. However, at some level within us all, we have a trace of nerd- so don't get too high and mighty in picking on nerds... you are one yourself, in some way or another.
A geek is anyone who is passionate about a particular topic (or multiple topics). You can be a computer geek (like me), a Lost TV show geek (like me), a Prince geek (like me)... if it exists, and you are beyond passionate about it to the point your knowledge puts you into territory that other people don't normally hold, you're a geek. Unlike nerds, though, geeks do not have the element of social ineptitude. The most stylish dresser amongst us may in fact be a geek concerning something they hold interest in- you won't identify a geek by looks, but rather by passionate discussion or actions.
Lastly, we have the label of dork. This is commonly misused as another term for nerd, but that is incorrect. Anyone, at any time, can be a dork- but only for a limited time. You cannot be a dork permanently- it is a temporary state. One does or says something dorky, then reverts back to their normal state of being. Therefore, it's incorrect to say "he's such a dork"- it's only correct to say "he's being such a dork".
Now you have a better idea of how these labels are properly applied, so if you wish to use them you'll have a correct approach to the matter. Again, if you wish to be a wise and enlightened person, you'll learn that people always tend to break out of predefined labels- often in ways that will surprise you- so you'll try to learn to break you societal brainwashing and not use such terms. But, in the meantime, if you so choose you now know how to correctly use these terms properly- and if you're so inclined, you can choose one for yourself.
I only bring this up because my inner nerd demanded it. You see, I'm an English language geek, so I really had to get this off my chest. I guess in the end I'm just being a dork for bringing this up!
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